Thursday, November 17, 2005

Grad School, Snow Envy, and Free Comments for All

Well, I’ve done it. I have sent in my grad school applications. After some time in the business world, you see, my suspicions that I do not want a career in the business world have been confirmed. I’m hoping to polish my compositional skills by getting an MM in composition, and then see what I can do as far as selling out goes. I’m kidding of course! Well sort of… I’d rather not do the academia thing at this point, so I’m looking into stuff like film and tv music. I think that would be pretty sweet, and the variety of music required would suit my diverse background. So we’ll see. Grad school first. Hopefully I’ll get in. Hopefully they’ll give me money.

In other news, it snowed yesterday. Jill called me while I was at kinkos (mailing my grad school applications!) to say it was snowing in Chicago. Had I been able to see out the window at that point, I probably would have seen that it was, in fact, snowing in Buffalo as well. Pretty hard, too. Big wet flakes. It eventually stuck to houses and cars. But in the Southtowns… the SOUTHTOWNS! Well, they had some snow down there, boy. The Southtowns refers to those communities south of the city of Buffalo, which typically get more lake effect snow than those of us in the city or northward. For instance, when we got a dusting, they got 14 inches. It all depends on which way the winds blow across Lake Erie. A bunch of people didn’t make it into work until well into the afternoon. I have my first case of snow envy. I have a feeling, though, that the snow envy I experience here will not be nearly as acute as that which I felt in Oberlin for all those cold, unprecipitous winters.

And finally, as of now you need not be a registered blogger to leave comments on my blog. At Jeni’s behest, I have changed my discriminatory ways. Just doing my part to help end the institutional bigotry against the blog-disposessing among us. See, Oberlin taught me well. And by the way, Jennifer, I resent the subtle implication imbedded in your email that I am an internet slut simply because I have a blog. I am an internet slut, but for far more reasons than that, and frankly I resent your implication.


At November 19, 2005 11:45 AM, Blogger Rivers said...

"Grad School, Snow Envy, and Free Comments for All"

Brian Zeller for Mayor


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